Friday, June 18, 2010


This is the Swiss Family Robinson tree house.
The tree house was very high up in the tree.

This is me and a big pirate ship.

We went on boats that took us past villages from story books.

This is the X wing Star Fighter from Star Wars....Cool!

This is main street Disneyland.

This is the parade. These are the toy soldiers from Toy Story.

This is "Its a small world" and there was dolls from every country. We floated around in a boat.

This is the castle of Disneyland.

This is the entrance of Disneyland. It was very fun. It had lots of rides. It is very big. We went to Planet Hollywood for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Hi zac and family euro-disney you are so lucky mate i wish i was akid again sometimes, only the fun times though! Love the starwars fighter i can almaost imagine being a jedi flying around the stars hey! well your holiday is coming to a close soon and all the kids miss you everytime we do the student role everyone goes "When is Zac coming back?"well have fun mate make sure you check out the comment below Zac take care Glenn
