Wednesday, June 23, 2010


On the swing.
The wheat fields around our house.

A real castle near our house.

Another Zachy car.

Looking over the village.

Our cottage.

Class, right now i am in Loire, the countryside of France in a village called Etablou. We are staying in a cottage with bedrooms in the attic. The ceilings look very old with big wooden beams and the windows have shutters. I have been swimming in our swimming pool. I have made a secret place in a small forest near our house. Around our property are enormous wheat fields that go on forever. The backyard has lots of lawn, a horse swing, trampoline and cherry trees to climb. I have been running around all the time. I wish you all were here with me.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I could see the Eiffel Tower from the top.
This is Champs Elysee.

These are the stairs with 284 steps inside the Arc Triomphe that we had to walk up to the top.

Today we walked along the famous street Champs Elysee to the Arc De Triomphe which is the tallest arch monument in the world. It is 50 metres high. Napoleon had made it in honor of his army and their battles. When it was finished being built they dedicated it to all the French soldiers.
At the bottom of the Arc De Triomphe there is a big roundabout with lots of traffic. We had to walk in a tunnel to get to it. We had to walk up 284 steps to get to the top. At the top we saw a great view of Paris. I could see the Eiffel Tower, Sacre Coeur and The Obelisk.

This is the Arc Triomphe.
This is the view from the top of Arc Triomphe.

Friday, June 18, 2010


This is the Swiss Family Robinson tree house.
The tree house was very high up in the tree.

This is me and a big pirate ship.

We went on boats that took us past villages from story books.

This is the X wing Star Fighter from Star Wars....Cool!

This is main street Disneyland.

This is the parade. These are the toy soldiers from Toy Story.

This is "Its a small world" and there was dolls from every country. We floated around in a boat.

This is the castle of Disneyland.

This is the entrance of Disneyland. It was very fun. It had lots of rides. It is very big. We went to Planet Hollywood for dinner.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This is Nick, Alex and I on a roller coaster.

This is me on a boat ride.

This is a big rope playground. There were lots of things to run and swing on.

That is me on a train which drives around the park.

This is a big swing which Nick was pushing us on.
This is a park which has lots of rides. The lady in the white is Christine who is Xavier's parents friend. She is very nice.


Sunday, June 13, 2010


This is the famous picture of Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. This is not the fake one it is the real one. When I saw it i said Wow because it was the real painting of Mona Lisa.

This painting is called Les Noces de Cana the painter was Paolo CALIARI. I am soooo small in this picture. If you saw it, it is huge!

This is the roof of the louvre

The Louvre museum was great. It mostly had statues and paintings. Some of the paintings were very big.


The merry go round was at the bottom of the steps of the Sacre Coeur. The merry go round even ha upstairs.

This is me and my brother on the Merry go round. We were spinning around. I felt very sick.

This is the Sacre Couer it is an old church. Can you see my face i am not looking at the camera. We had to walk up lots of steps. It looked like a palace.