Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Here I am eating a lavender ice cream. The lady gave it to us for free to try. It tasted like lavender toilet air freshner. I didn't like it very much.

It had great views.

This was a cafe in Gordes. Mum liked it because it was in the movie A Good Year with Russel Crowe.

This is a weekly market in Gordes.

This is the village of Gordes which is built on a cliff.

This is the windmill near our house. We could see for miles from here.

This is us walking down to the cafe in our village. We liked our vietnamese waiter called Hung. We would go there every afternoon for an cacolat. (ice chocolate).

This our house in Goult, the village where we stayed. It was very old.

This was the sign we saw when we were driving from Bergerac (Dordogne region) to provence. It was funny to see Barcelona (Spain) on the sign. There are a few countries that border France. Mum thought we could keep driving and visit Annabelle.

This is what we saw in the paddocks when we were in Provence. There are lots of vineyards.


We even saw mammoths.
This is me as a caveman.

This was an old troglodyte built into the cliff.

This is me looking at some from the olden days working on the rock.

Here we are standing in a cave. It was nice and cool.

This is a place we visited called Roc Cazelle. It had caves and cavemen and troglodytes.

This was an old house built into the cliff. They are called Troglodytes.

This is the outside of the castle.

We went inside the castle. We had to slide on these feet things so we did not scratch the floor because it was so old. This castle had spiral staircases with stone steps and big heavy wooden doors.

This was a castle (Chateau) we saw when we were driving.

The villages are hundreds of years old. They are much older than Australia.

This is a village called Eymet. It had very old medieval houses.

I swam everyday because it has been so hot.

This is the city of Bordeaux. We rode around the city on a little train.