Sunday, May 30, 2010


We went to Lacock Abby where Harry Potter was filmed. This is near where I am staying.


We went to Longleat which is a mansion that looks like a castle. Lord Bath lives in it. It is more than 400 years old. It had a safari park. We had to stay in the car so the tigers did not get us. Deers stuck their heads in our windows. We saw giraffes, zebras, rhinos, flamingos and wolves.There was a big playground. My brother held a python. I went to an english pub for dinner called the Bell Inn.


We went and stayed with Tiff and Anthony our relatives in Lacock. They have a dog called Tess. I rode their horse Candy. Mum went riding with Tiff. I went to the town of Bath. The buildings are old with lots of detail. I went to a big park. There was a flying fox and a huge slide. We ate ice cream like yumbos. I had the best sausage roll I have ever had.


We went to a farm. We fed sheep, goats, chickens and pigs. I went on a flying fox. I drove a little tractor. I jumped on a jumping jack pillow. I went in a maze.


We visited a village called Bourton on Water. It had a small river running through it.

We have visited relatives in the countryside. They have a dog called Rocky. We walked to a well. There is no water there now. Hundreds of years ago the water use to cure sick people.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Today I went to Legoland and there was lots of rides and they were very cool. My favorite was driving school where we had to drive a lego car. There were traffic signs and lights. Some people were crashing.

I walked through towns made out of lego. They used 40 million pieces of lego to build it.

My second favorite ride was Pirate Falls Dynamite Drench. I was in the middle of my sister and Dad so I did not get wet. We went down a water hill and it made a big spalsh at the bottom.

I was allowed to buy some Star Wars lego.

See ya


Buckingham Palace is big. When the flag is up it means the Queen is in. The flag was up. I saw the Queens guards that wore big black fluffy hats. It had big gates at the front.

We went to Hamleys Toy Store. It had five floors filled with toys. My sister and brother got a treat. I did not because i was getting something at Legoland.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

From Hong Kong

Today i went to the cirty .We walked along the harbour .Hong kong has alot of people and tall buildings. It is very hot. There are lots of boats and taxis . In the morning we have to get up very early to get a plane to London.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Mon 17/5 Depart Melbourne
Tues 18 Arrive Hong Kong
Thur 20-24 Depart Hong Kong-Arrive London
Mon 24-31 Drive Wiltshire (UK countryside)
Mon 31-7/6 Arrive Spain
Mon 7-Sun 21 Depart Spain - Arrive Paris, France
Sun 21-Sun 27 Loire, France
Sun 27-Sun 4/7 Dordogne, France
Sun 4-Sun 11 Provence, France
Sun 11-Wed 14 Lyon, France
Wed 14-Tues 20 Dijon, France
Tues 20-Thur 22 Paris
Fri 23-Tues 27 Hong Kong
Tues 27 Arrive Home